
Available Menu
  • Digit Match
  • Digit Differ
  • Digit Odd/Even
  • Digit Under/Over
  • Forex (Major/Minor) Pairs
  • Rise/Fall
  • Higher/Lower
  • Touch/NoTouch
  • OnlyUps/OnlyDowns
  • ResetCall/ResetPut
  • High/Low Ticks
Available Features
  • Master/Slave Account
  • Telegram Notification
  • Live Chart
  • Digit Count %
  • Digit Odd/Even %
  • Digit Under/Over %
  • Digit Analyzer
  • Walking Last Digit
  • Cross Market Analysis
  • Tick Delay Execution
  • Multiple Tab Execution
  • Auto/Manual Execution
  • On/Off Stake Multiplier
  • Export Trade History
  • Load/Save Setting
  • Create/Share Strategy
Updated Information
  • #DeeGeeBot v224:
  • ==> Fixed Server Connection
  • ==> Fixed Known Bugs
  • ==> Faster Startup Loading
  • #DeeGeeBot-CT v60:
  • ==> Fixed Server Connection
  • ==> Fixed Known Bugs
  • ==> Faster Startup Loading
  • #M4^Turbo-CT v1046:
  • ==> Fixed Server Connection
  • ==> Fixed Known Bugs
  • ==> Faster Startup Loading
  • #D'Star v1026:
  • ==> Fixed Server Connection
  • ==> Fixed Startup Bugs
  • ==> Faster Startup Loading
  • #(ALL) Sketch Edition v1022:
  • ==> Fixed Server Connection
  • ==> Fixed Known Bugs
  • ==> Faster Startup Loading
  • #The ZeeX v123:
  • ==> Fixed Server Connection
  • ==> Fixed Known Bugs
  • ==> Faster Startup Loading
  • ==> Fixed Loading User Strategy
  • #<The ZeeK> v181:
  • ==> Fixed Server Connection
  • ==> Fixed Known Bugs
  • ==> Faster Startup Loading
  • ==> Fixed Loading User Strategy

Risk Disclaimer:

The products offered on the website include binary options, contracts for difference ("CFDs") and other complex derivatives. Trading binary options may not be suitable for everyone. Trading CFDs carries a high level of risk since leverage can work both to your advantage and disadvantage. As a result, the products offered on the website may not be suitable for all investors because of the risk of losing all of your invested capital. You should never invest money that you cannot afford to lose, and never trade with borrowed money. Before trading in the complex products offered, please be sure to understand the risks involved.